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Project: The Green Garden

Project “The Green Garden” in kindergarten and School “Prof. Nikolay Raynov ” and open classrooms for all”, was funded under the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014.

In the process of working, learning and playing the children develop their imagination, physical skills, knowledge of botany and mathematics (counting seeds, leaves, vegetables), reading and writing (inscribing beds), foreign languages (naming plants), physics, chemistry, biology and natural history (becoming witnesses of the processes of germination, flowering, photosynthesis, mutual support between plants, etc.). The project included the construction of educational organic garden in the school yard, where together with the children, teachers, parents and volunteers we grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. This way we can eat delicious vegetables and fruits, grown with lots of love. At the hanging beds on the outer fence of the yard we place announcement inviting the casual by passers to taste the vegetables and spices and to engage themselves as volunteers in the project. The harvest was measured for the presence of radiation and nitrates.
Because of the limited space we are experimenting with innovative technologies such as vertical walls and hanging gardens on the building and the fence inside and outside (the street), building raised beds for fruits, vegetables and spices, constrained by pallets and other recycled and natural materials.
During the project we conducted 10 trainings for children, teachers and parents with an expert on permaculture for practicing the cultivation of food using the principles of ecology. From September to June, “The Green Garden” works as a school classroom and in the summer – as a community garden. During the project we organized 12 free outdoor classrooms for children from Sofia to study permaculture and innovative agricultural technology. We also we made an exhibition of paintings “Food from Nature for All” with prizes. As part of the project we also installed and Bicycle park. Welcome to school by bike!

You can see photos from our Green Garden in facebook.

The project was executed with the financial support for the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. The sole responsibility for the content lies with the association “School for our Children” and under no circumstances can be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Operator of the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria.

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