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"Professor Nikolay Raynov"
Waldorf School

Offering Waldorf education for more than 10 years
"Professor Nikolay Raynov"
Waldorf School
"Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives" Rudolf Steiner
"Professor Nikolay Raynov"
Waldorf School
“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom” Rudolph Steiner
“Prof. Nikolay Raynov” Waldorf School, located in Sofia, Bulgaria, consists of kindergarten, preschool groups and school for all school-age grades. Licensed by Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen

Waldorf education was created by the Austrian scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925). It reveres and teaches the child holistically: with his physical, mental and spiritual essence, or as psychology calls them, with his body, psyche and self.

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On 15th September 2022, we celebrated the official start of the new school year. May it be happy and inspired!
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Guest visiting Scuola Waldorf Steiner Firenze
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Honoring Vassil Levsky, Bulgaria’s national hero
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Stories and Testimonials

Shared personal stories and impressions of parents of children at the Waldorf school.
My son was keen on the school's learning methods and the freedom of self-expression they gave him. He insisted that I got to know them, so I don't "miss out". I finally gave up and spent the time. I now know that he was so right
I am a fairly ambitious parent. I want my kid to have success in school and late in life - but not at the expense of her emotional wellbeing. So, we chose the Waldorf school for our daughter. We've often doubted our decision, and wondered if we are going to spoil the child or lag behind her peers.
My kid feels well here, and she loves going to school. She even refuses to leave the school campus at the end of the day! She loves all subjects, and never stops amazing me with the creativity. Waldorf school is also a community where we found new family friends and like-minded people. We are so grateful for it!