We are Waldorf school “Professor Nikolay Raynov”, located in Sofia, Bulgaria
Our mission
✓ An individual approach for every child
✓ Encouraging intellectual, creative, artistic and social skills
✓ Fostering independence, out-of-the-box thinking, communication skills and empathy
✓ Boosting self-knowledge through academic learning and exploring the world
✓ Learning foreign languages, music, sports, crafts, gardening, eurhythmy and theater
✓ Nurturing love and responsibility towards nature
✓ Developing aesthetics, morale and truth seeking
Why Waldorf education?
Waldorf education is taught at more than 1000 schools and kindergartens in 61 countries across 5 continents. This is the largest and fastest-growing network of independent non-profit organizations for education in the world. More and more people see the future in the hands of people who can create, not the ones who are taught to follow. Waldorf schools raise confident and creative people, with high aesthetics, morale and intellect, adaptable to fast changing environment.
Waldorf education is based on the teaching of Rudolph Steiner on human development. Youngest children learn about the world through play and emulation. A Waldorf kindergarten environment is full of love and warmth, where children sing songs, play games and do craft work. Only after the age of 7 are kids ready for intellectual work. However, they still need to learn in active and engaging ways, not based on abstract academic concepts. That is why, the Waldorf school curriculum for kids aged 7-14 includes plenty of movements, games, arts and rhythmic exercises. They help kids experience through senses and feelings – not only absorb knowledge using their heads. Various forms of arts in the curriculum (painting, dancing, theater, music, and so on) help kids express their inner world and develop emotional intelligence.
“Professor Nikolay Raynov” school association
The Waldorf school and kindergarten were founded by the “School for Our Kids” association later renamed to “Professor Nikolay Raynov” School Association. It is a non-profit organization involving parents, teachers and anthroposophists willing to develop and popularize Waldorf education for kids aged 3-18 in Bulgaria.
The school started in the autumn of 2011 with 2 kids and just one teacher. Today, we have more than 100 kids enrolled in the school, and a team of highly motivated teachers. The school’s premises are located in a licensed 3-storey building close to downtown Sofia. In the school yard, we grow our garden of organic fruit and vegetables, where kids learn through experience biology, sustainable development, mathematics and foreign languages.
As to 2016, the school is licensed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education for school grades through 12th grade. Our oldest students are currently in the 8th grade.
Since 2016, the school is licensed by the Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen / Federation of the Free Waldorf Schools, and has the right to use the names “Waldorf” and “Rudolph Steiner”.
The school is governed by the community of parents and teachers. All finances are covered by annual fees and donations coming from socially responsible organizations.
Our future projects include building a new site for our growing school.
You can support us with a donation to the following bank account:
Recipient: “School for Our Children” Association
IBAN: BG47RZBB91551008577290
Reason for the transfer: Donation
Thank you!
Contact us
Phone: +359 877 300 522 E-mail: administration(AT)waldorf.bg Reception hours: |
[huge_it_maps id=”4″] | Address: 7 Alexander von Humboldt Str 1113 Sofia Contacts: Admission (all school-age grades): +359 894 377 903 |
[huge_it_maps id=”1″] | Address: 44, Gorski Patnik Str. 1421 Sofia Contacts: Admission (2-6 years old): +359 89 464 3295 |